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Different proteomic approaches to analysis of Francisella tularensis bacterial glycoproteins
Autoři: Hernychová Lenka | Balonová Lucie | Bílková Zuzana | Kloučková Iveta | Marková | Pavková | Mechref | Novotný Miloš | Stulik
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Journal of American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science Inc.
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Různé proteomické postupy pro analýzu bakteriálních glykoproteinů Francisella tularensis Různé proteomické postupy pro analýzu bakteriálních glykoproteinů Francisella tularensis Francisella tularensis; membránové glykoproteiny; MS
eng Different proteomic approaches to analysis of Francisella tularensis bacterial glycoproteins Two subspecies of Francisella tularensis were analysed: the highly virulent subspecies tularensis strain SCHU S4 and a less virulent subspecies holarctica strain LVS. We find differences in detection of membrane-localized glycoproteins between the strains. Ten spots were detected on the LVS gel and five proteins with/without their protein species (PS) were identified by mass spectrometry (conserved hypothetical lipoproteins FTT1103 - two PS, OMPA family protein FTT0831 ? three PS, intracellular growth locus, subunit B FTT1358, outer membrane associated protein FopA FTT 0583 ? three PS, hypothetical membrane protein FTT1676). By contrast, seven spots were detected on the SCHU S4 gel and three proteins with/without their protein species were identified (FTT1103, FTT0831 ? three PS, FTT 0583 ? three PS). We used bioinformatics tools (the NetOglyc server) for evaluation of results. Francisella tularensis; membrane glycoproteins; MS