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Evaluation of mitochondrial function in isolated rat hepatocytes and mitochondria during oxidative stress
Autoři: Červinková Zuzana | Lotková Halka | Křiváková Pavla | Roušar Tomáš | Kučera Otto | Tichý Lukáš | Červinka Miroslav | Drahota Zdeněk
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Alternatives to laboratory animals
Název nakladatele: Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
Místo vydání: Nottingham
Strana od-do: 353-361
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vyšetřování mitochondriální funkce v izolovaných potkaních hepatocytech a mitochondriích během oxidačního stresu Vyšetřování mitochondriální funkce v izolovaných potkaních hepatocytech a mitochondriích během oxidačního stresu Hepatocyty, oxidační stres, oxygrafie
eng Evaluation of mitochondrial function in isolated rat hepatocytes and mitochondria during oxidative stress The majority of toxic agents act either fully or partially via oxidative stress, the liver, specifically the mitochondria in hepatocytes, being the main target. Maintenance of mitochondrial function is essential for the survival and normal performance of hepatocytes, which have a high energy requirement. Therefore, greater understanding of the role of mitochondria in hepatocytes is of fundamental importance. Mitochondrial function can be analysed in several basic models: hepatocytes cultured in vitro; mitochondria in permeabilised hepatocytes; and isolated mitochondria. The aim of our study was to use all of these approaches to evaluate changes in mitochondria exposed in vitro to a potent non-specific peroxidating agent, tert-butylhydroperoxide (tBHP), which is known to induce oxidative stress. A decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was observed in cultured hepatocytes treated with tBHP, as illustrated by a significant reduction in Rhodamine 123 accumulation and by a decrease in the fluorescence of the JC-1 molecular probe. Respiratory Complex I in the mitochondria of permeabilised hepatocytes showed high sensitivity to tBHP, as documented by high-resolution respirometry. This could be caused by the oxidation of NADH and NADPH by tBHP, followed by the disruption of mitochondrial calcium homeostasis, leading to the collapse of the MMP. A substantial decrease in the MMP, as determined by tetraphenylphosphonium ion-selective electrode measurements, also confirmed the dramatic impact of tBHP-induced oxidative stress on mitochondria. Swelling was observed in isolated mitochondria exposed to tBHP, which could be prevented by cyclosporin A, which is evidence for the role of mitochondrial permeability transition. Our results demonstrate that all of the above-mentioned models can be used for toxicity assessment, and the data obtained are complementary. Hepatocytes; oxidative stress; oxygraphy