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Publikace detail

Znalosti pro vytváření zvláštní hodnoty.
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Znalostní ekonomika: Trendy rozvoje vzdělávání, vědy a praxe
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
Místo vydání: Zlín
Strana od-do: 81
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Znalosti pro vytváření zvláštní hodnoty. This paper deals with strategic marketing analysis process as knowledge base for an unique customer value creation at applying of CRM strategy differentiated according to a customer value to a company. It defines a general analysis of market environment, a detail analysis of market microenvironment and analysis and evaluation of conditions at single target markets and at single customers. It shows that this way of strategic marketing analysis realization leads to discovery of latent customer needs and wants and increasing of delivered customer value. tržní znalosti; zvláštní hodnota pro zákazníka; strategie CRM
eng Knowledge for Unique Customer Value Creation. This paper deals with strategic marketing analysis process as knowledge base for an unique customer value creation at applying of CRM strategy differentiated according to a customer value to a company. It defines a general analysis of market environment, a detail analysis of market microenvironment and analysis and evaluation of conditions at single target markets and at single customers. It shows that this way of strategic marketing analysis realization leads to discovery of latent customer needs and wants and increasing of delivered customer value. market knowledge, unique customer value, CRM strategy