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Fatty liver is strongly associated with a qualitative change in the serum HDL cholesterol sub-fractions
Autoři: Stefan Norbert | Kantartzis Konstantinos | Čegan Alexander
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Diabetes
Název nakladatele: American Diabetes Association
Místo vydání: Alexandria
Strana od-do: A680-A680
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Steatóza jater silně souvisí s kvalitativní změnou subfrakcí sérového HDL-cholesterolu Steatóza jater silně souvisí s kvalitativní změnou subfrakcí sérového HDL-cholesterolu steatóza, játra, jaterní tuk, HDL-C, subfrakce
eng Fatty liver is strongly associated with a qualitative change in the serum HDL cholesterol sub-fractions Nonalkoholic fatty liver disease increases in the general population in paralel to the increase in obesity. It is commonly associated with features of metabolic syndrome such as abdominal obesity, high triglyceride levels, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, high blood pressure and hyperglycaemia. Patiens with NAFLD (nonalkoholic fatty liver disease) are at increased risk for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events. Mechanisms explaining the relationship between NAFLD and atherosclerosis are still under investigation. Whether NAFLD is associated with altered serum high-density cholesterol subfractions HDL2 and HDL3 that were found to have a large impact on cardiovascular disease, is unknown. Particularly high HDL2 levels were found to be protective of cardiovascular events. In the prezent study we investigated whether patiens with NAFLD have different serum levels of HDL subfractions compared to healthy controls and whether these relationships are independent of other established cardiovascular risk factors that are commonly increased in patiens with NAFLD. steatosis; liver; liver fat; HDL-C; subfraction