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The Influence of Cl-, SO4(2-) and PO4(3-) Ions on the Zeta-potential and Microfiltration of Titanium Dioxide Dispersions
Autoři: Velikovská Pavlína | Mikulášek Petr
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Separation and Purification Technology
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 295-298
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vliv Cl-, SO4(2-) a PO4(3-) iontů na zeta-potenciál a na proces mikrofiltrace disperze oxidu titaničitého Vliv Cl-, SO4(2-) a PO4(3-) iontů na zeta-potenciál a na proces mikrofiltrace disperze oxidu titaničitého. oxid titaničitý;mikrofiltrace;anorganické soli;iontová síla
eng The Influence of Cl-, SO4(2-) and PO4(3-) Ions on the Zeta-potential and Microfiltration of Titanium Dioxide Dispersions In this paper the influences of pH and ionic strength on ceramic membrane microfiltration of TiO2 dispersions were studied. A series of crossflow microfiltration experiments was carried out at various pH values, ionic strengths and with various multivalent inorganic salts. The filtration behaviour was analyzed based on measurements of zeta potential of alumina membrane and TiO2 particles. Results showed that inorganic anions affect the microfiltration of TiO2 dispersion by changing the surface properties of both the alumina membrane and TiO2 particles. The particles environment affects the dispersion of TiO2 particles and plays a major role in the filtration flux. titanium dioxide;microfiltration;inorganic salts;ionic strength