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How to Measure Customer Value to the Firm?
Autoři: Lošťáková Hana | Pecinová Zuzana | Jelínková Martina
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Logistic-Marketing Aspects of the Enterprise Management
Název nakladatele: Sekcja Wydawnictw Wydzialu Zarzadzania Politechniki Czestochowskiej
Místo vydání: Czestochowa
Strana od-do: 260-268
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Jak měřit hodnotu zákazníka pro firmu? Jak měřit hodnotu zákazníka pro firmu? hodnota zákazníka pro podnik; měření; CRM
eng How to Measure Customer Value to the Firm? The most successful marketing strategy in contemporary turbulent market environment is differentiated one-to-one marketing strategy ? differentiated CRM strategy. Application of this marketing strategy is based on using of different intensity of care about customers according to different customer value to the firm. Nowadays managers of mostly firms try to qualify the customer value to the firm only by means of customer?s sales, in some case by means of net margins of products purchased by customer. Although the major part of managers takes intuitively not only customers current benefits but their future potential into account, they do not try to quantify the customer value to the firm. This chapter deals with developing of the theoretical approach to the estimation of customer value to the firm. On the basis of analysis and subsequent synthesis the possible approaches to customer value estimation are defined. From literature search emerged that the customer value to the firm should be estimated as the net present value of current and future benefits (both economic and ?others?) of customer to the firm. In context of particular decision problem it is advisable to estimate actual, strategic or eventually potential value of customer to the firm. To quantify the economic benefits of customer it is useful to use net marketing contribution because the indicator is able to measure the customer contribution to cover the business operating expenses and make profit. Customer value to the firm; measurement; CRM