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Atomistic model of physical ageing in Se-rich As?Se glasses
Autoři: Golovchak R. | Shpotyuk O. | Kozdras A. | Burelu B. | Vlček Miroslav | Ganjoo A. | Jain H.
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Philosophical Magazine
Název nakladatele: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Místo vydání: Abingdon
Strana od-do: 4323-4334
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Atomistický model fyzického stárnutí na Se bohatých skel systému As-Se Na základě podrobného studia změn struktury modelového skla o složení As10Se90 metodami EXAFS, DSC, Raman a 77Se NMR byl navržen atomistický model fyzického stárnutí těchto skel.
eng Atomistic model of physical ageing in Se-rich As?Se glasses Thermal, optical, X-ray excited and magnetic methods were used to develop a microstructural model of physical ageing in Se-rich glasses. The glass composition As10Se90, possessing a typical cross-linked chain structure, was chosen as a model object for the investigations. The effect of physical ageing in this glass was revealed by differential scanning calorimetry, whereas the corresponding changes in its atomic arrangement were studied by extended X-ray absorption fine structure, Raman and solid-state 77Se nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Straightening?shrinkage processes are shown to be responsible for the physical ageing in this Se-rich As?Se glass. glass ageing, EXAFS, Raman, NMR, DSC, atomistic model