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Ecotoxicity of nanomaterials to the annelid Enchytraeus crypticus studied in modified agar-based exposure media
Autoři: Hrdá Kateřina | Opršal Jakub | Knotek Petr | Pouzar Miloslav | Vlček Milan
Rok: 2016
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Ecotoxicity of nanomaterials to the annelid Enchytraeus crypticus studied in modified agar-based exposure media It has long been known that results of toxicity and ecotoxicity studies tend to be significantly affected by the behavior of nanomaterials in exposure media. Especially agglomeration and aggregation significantly affect the resulting toxicity. Therefore, our effort was focused on development of testing procedure for soil ecotoxicology applicable in common laboratory practice providing data, which are not distorted due to hardly controllable processes occurring during the experiment. The agar gel was therefore employed as an exposure medium, which should supposedly suppress the rate of agglomeration and ensure homogeneous distribution of tested nanoparticles in the whole medium volume. Among other advantage of using agar as exposure media belongs the possibility of secondary characterization of nanomaterials. In an attempt to mimic or approach the conditions to which nanomaterials are exposed after application into the soil, further components were added to the agar and distilled water, namely natural organic matter (NOM) and kaolin. To assess the impact of these components on the behavior of nanomaterials and their resulting ecotoxicity various concentrations of NOM and kaolin were tested. Finally, ecotoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticle (ZnO-NPs) powder with the mean particle size diameter of 10 nm to the annelid Enchytraeus crypticus was tested in modified agar. The procedure started with the re-suspension of nanoparticles in distilled water with the addition of dispersant. Obtained colloid was subsequently mixed with hot agar gel containing varying concentrations of NOM and kaolin. Ecotoxicity; nanomaterials; annelid; Enchytraeus; crypticus; agar-based exposure; media