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Crystal growth in Se70Te30 thin films followed by SEM and in situ XRD
Autoři: Martinková Simona | Barták Jaroslav | Málek Jiří | Segawa Hiroyo
Rok: 2016
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Applied Physics
Název nakladatele: American Institute of Physics
Místo vydání: Melville
Strana od-do: "145301-1"-"145301-7"
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Krystalový růst v Se70Te30 tenkých filmech sledovaný pomocí SEM a in situ XRD Kinetika izotermní krystalizace v tenkých filmech Se70Te30 byla studována za použití SEM a in situ XRD. Z naměřených dat SEM byla vypočtena rychlost růstu krystalů v závislosti na teplotě. Z XRD dat byl stanoven kinetický mechanismus krystalizace včetně aktivační energie. chalkogenidová skla; PCM; krystalizační kinetika; optické vlastnosti; Te-Se film
eng Crystal growth in Se70Te30 thin films followed by SEM and in situ XRD The isothermal crystal growth kinetics in Se70Te30 thin films was investigated using the microscopy and in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Plate-like crystals grew linearly with time which is the sign of liquid-crystal interface kinetics. In the studied temperature range, from 68 degrees C to 88 degrees C, crystal growth rates exhibit simple exponential behavior with an activation energy of crystal growth E-G = 168 +/- 12 kJ mol(-1). The growth data obtained from the microscopy measurements were combined with viscosity data, melting parameters and the appropriate crystal growth model was assessed. The relation between the kinetic coefficient of crystal growth and viscosity (u proportional to eta-(xi)) is described in detail, and a correction of the standard growth model is suggested. The crystal growth data obtained from the in situ XRD measurements were described using the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami nucleation-growth model with the Avrami exponent m = 2.2 +/- 0.2. The activation energy of the overall crystallization process EA was estimated and its value is 171 +/- 11 kJ mol(-1). Published by AIP Publishing. chalcogenide glass; phase-change materials; crystallization kinetics; optical-properties; Te-Se film