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Femtosecond to nanosecond studies of octupolar molecules and their quadrupolar and dipolar analogues
Autoři: Seintis K. | Agathangelou D. | Cvejn Daniel | Almonasy Numan | Bureš Filip | Giannetas V. | Fakis M.
Rok: 2017
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Název nakladatele: Royal Society of Chemistry
Místo vydání: Cambridge
Strana od-do: 16485-16497
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Femtosekundové a nanosekundové studie osmiramenných molekul a jejich čtyř- a dvouramenných analogů Byly studovány fotofyzikální vlastnosti osmiramenných molekul a jejich lineárních a kvadrupolárních analogů. Sloučeniny obsahují trifenylamin jako donor, kyanskupiny jako akceptory a acetylenové nebo olefinické jednotky jako pi-můstky. dvoufotonová absorpce; intramolekulární přenos náboje; nelineárně optické vlastnosti; fotofyzikální vlastnosti; trifenylamin
eng Femtosecond to nanosecond studies of octupolar molecules and their quadrupolar and dipolar analogues The photophysical properties of two octupolar (T) molecules and of their linear (L) and quadrupolar (Q) analogues are studied by means of steady state and femtosecond to nanosecond spectroscopy. The compounds bear a triphenylamine donor, cyano acceptors and acetylenic (series 1) or olefin (series 2) pi-bridges. In the octupolar compound of series 2 (2T), fluorescence is emitted from an excited state localized on a single branch, while in that of series 1 (1T), the emitting state is delocalized among branches pointing to a reduced excited state polarity. Excited state dynamics in series 1 has shown an increase of lifetime with solvent polarity. In the branched compounds of series 2, multiexponential dynamics in polar solvents is exhibited indicating a distribution of emitting geometries. Femtosecond anisotropy in 1T indicates incoherent excitation transfer on the timescale of a few ps, in agreement with the hopping time predicted by the Forster model. However, no hopping mechanism is observed in 2T possibly because of an increased intramolecular charge transfer leading to a low energy relaxed excited state localized on a single branch. enhanced 2-photon absorption; excitation-energy transfer; intramolecular charge-transfer; nonlinear-optical properties; excited-state dynamics; photophysical properties; triphenylamine core; ultrafast dynamics; symmetry-breaking; electron-transfer