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Fast gradients on 5 μm core-shell columns for comprehensive two dimensional liquid chromatography
Autoři: Hájek Tomáš | Růžičková Marie | Jandera Pavel
Rok: 2018
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Fast gradients on 5 μm core-shell columns for comprehensive two dimensional liquid chromatography Core-shell columns allow fast separations at high flow rates and relatively moderate pressures and they are very useful for fast gradient elution in one-dimensional liquid chromatography and especially in the second dimension of comprehensive two dimensional liquid chromatography, where the time of secondary separation is strictly limited by the fraction cycle time. Within the limits dictated by a fixed short separation time, adjustment of the range of change in the composition of mobile phase is the most efficient means to optimize the gradient separation. For method development and optimization, the prediction of retention in gradient elution from the isocratic data is very important. We investigated the prediction of the elution times of alkylbenzenes, phenolic acids and flavones on 5 μm core shell columns with type of bonded core-shell stationary phase in fast gradient separations from the isocratic data by three retention models. Furthermore, we compared the efficiency and selectivity of fast gradient separations. The 5 μm core-shell columns were employed in the second dimension coupled with monolithic zwitterionic microcolumn (BIGDMA-MEDSA) in the first dimension for comprehensive 2D-LC separation of phenolic and flavonoid compounds. The dual retention mechanism, HILIC and RP, of monolithic zwitterionic column enables using them either in the HILIC×RP or in the RP×RP 2D system. core-shell columns; two dimensional liquid chromatography; monolithic columns; fast gradient