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Electrodialysis as part of the integrated membrane process for landfill leachate treatment
Autoři: Kulhavý Michal | Cakl Jiří | Václavík Lukáš | Maršálek Jiří
Rok: 2018
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: MELPRO 2018 : book of abstracts
Název nakladatele: Česká membránová platforma (CZEMP)
Místo vydání: Česká Lípa
Strana od-do: 203
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Electrodialysis as part of the integrated membrane process for landfill leachate treatment The contribution deals with the study of possibilities of using electromembrane separation, namely electrodialysis, for treatment of different leachates from both municipal waste and hazardous waste landfills. Electrodialysis was integrated into the technology process to reduce the concentration of inorganic salts prior to the reverse osmosis. The treated leachates can be characterized by a high content of organics, in particular humic and fulvic acids as well as inorganic substances. Prior to the membrane separation, the feed was pretreated with several techniques, such as biological pre-treatment, acidification, coagulation and colloidal particle filtration. The pilot electrodialysis unit was used to desalinate the leachate in the batch mode. The results of the experiments demonstrate that the electrodialysis integrated into the treatment system allows for achieving high conversion ratios. In addition, the reverse osmosis can be operated at low pressure differences. The progress of the membrane separation has been significantly affected by the leachate pre-treatment. An effective method to recover the systems from physical and chemical reversible fouling using alkaline CIP was found and verified. Electrodialysis; Wastewater Treatment; Leachate; Scaling; Membrane Fouling