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Comparison of Lateral Crystal Growth in Selenium Thin Films and Surface of Bulk Samples
Autoři: Barták Jaroslav | Valdés Mitchell Diego Alejandro | Málek Jiří | Podzemná Veronika | Šlang Stanislav | Pálka Karel
Rok: 2018
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Crystal Growth & Design
Název nakladatele: American Chemical Society
Místo vydání: Washington
Strana od-do: 4103-4110
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Srovnání laterálního růstu krystalů selenu v tenkém filmu a na povrchu objemových vzorků Růst krystalů selenu byl sledován v tenkých filmech rozdílné tloušťky a na povrchu objemových vzorků za izotermních podmínek. Ke sledování byla využita optická mikroskopie ve viditelné a infračervené oblasti spektra a skenovací elektronová mikroskopie. Výsledky různých experimentů byly vzájemně porovnány. kinetika krystalizace; amorfní selen; růst krystalů; nukleace; viskozita; skla
eng Comparison of Lateral Crystal Growth in Selenium Thin Films and Surface of Bulk Samples Crystal growth in the surface of selenium bulk samples and in selenium thin films of different thicknesses has been studied under isothermal conditions using different microscopy techniques (optical, infrared, and scanning electron microscopy). The structure of the formed crystals is described with respect to previous publications focused on crystal growth in selenium thin films and bulk samples. Crystal growth rates were obtained from the linear dependence of crystal sizes on annealing time. Such behavior assumes that crystal growth is driven by liquid-crystal interface kinetics. The crystal growth rates found in the surface of bulk samples are comparable with those found in thin films and a few orders of magnitude higher than previously published growth rates of volume crystals formed in selenium undercooled melts. The crystal growth rates were scaled with the viscosities to analyze the Stokes-Einstein relation. A relatively high decoupling between the crystal growth rate and viscosity occurs in the studied samples of amorphous selenium. Therefore, the standard screw dislocation growth model is corrected for the decoupling, which provides a satisfactory description of the crystal growth rate over a wide temperature range. crystallization kinetics; amorphous selenium; liquid selenium; a-se; supercooled liquid; melt; nucleation; viscosity; glasses; fibers