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Diclofenac removal from waste water by UV-A LED-based heterogeneous photocatalysis
Autoři: Trousil Vojtěch | Palarčík Jiří | Smolný Marek | Blažková Zuzana | Machalický Oldřich | Cakl Jiří
Rok: 2019
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series A, Faculty of Chemical Technology
Strana od-do: 101-116
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Odstraňování diklofenaku z odpadní vody pomocí heterogenní fotokatalýzy s UV-A LED zdrojem záření V laboratorním měřítku ve fotoreaktoru, který byl vybaven LED UV-A zdrojem záření, byla studována degradace diklofenaku v různých matricích (deionizovaná voda, vodovodní voda, voda povrchová a odpadní voda z komunální čistírny). Testovány byly tři fotokatalyzátory (Aeroxid P25, Hombikat UV 100 a Precheza AV01). Experimenty prokázaly možnost odstanit diklofenak z vod fotokatalyticky, projevil se významný vliv použité matrice na rychlost jeho degradace. Diklofenak; fotokatalytická degradace; UV-A LED; odpadní voda
eng Diclofenac removal from waste water by UV-A LED-based heterogeneous photocatalysis Degradation of the active pharmaceutical ingredient diclofenac (DCL) was studied using a laboratory-scale photoreactor equipped with highly efficient UV-A LEDs. Three photocatalysts (Aeroxide P25, Hombikat UV 100 and Precheza AV01) were tested and compared. In addition to deionized water, the other types of water (water matrices), were then tap water, unfiltered surface water, and the primary effluent of a wastewater from the municipal treatment plant. The experimental results indicated that the UV-A LED source operating at a wavelength of 368 nm had been much more efficient when combined with Precheza AV-01 photocatalyst of the microstructured anatase type. A negligible contribution of photolysis was noticed, while UV-A/TiO2 photocatalysis was more efficient in DCL removal in both the tap and the surface water matrices. The removal rate of DCL from the wastewater matrix was more dependent on the matrix itself than on the chemical structure of the micropollutant. The addition of hydrogen peroxide to the photocatalytic system enhanced the removal rates. The results of the algal growth inhibition test revealed a significant reduction of toxicity to Parachlorella kessleri after UV-A LED irradiation of the DCL solution. In addition, the reduction of the 'matrix toxicity' was also observed. Diclofenac; Photocatalytic degradation; UV-A LEDs; Wastewater