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Relation of reaction conditions of aniline polymerization on structure and particle size of prepared polyaniline
Autoři: Chmelík Jan | Vlček Miroslav | Zelenka Jiří | Šlang Stanislav
Rok: 2019
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Relation of reaction conditions of aniline polymerization on structure and particle size of prepared polyaniline The polymerization of aniline was studied in order to determine combination of reaction conditions that would lead to nanoparticles of certain shapes and dimensions. As-prepared nanoparticles should have as highest aspect ratio as possible, meaning they should be in shapes of rods, fibers, or even sheets. Moreover particles should be of high monodispersivity. These properties can be achieved by tuning several reaction conditions, we focused mainly on: 1. Oxidizing agent 2. Reaction temperature 3. Reaction time 4. Stirring 5. Dopant