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Development of flow injection mass spectrometry-based platform for screening of blood plasma samples
Autoři: Idkowiak Jakub | Jirásko Robert | Wolrab Denise | Hájek Tomáš | Bártl Josef | Pešková Karolína | Holčapek Michal
Rok: 2020
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Development of flow injection mass spectrometry-based platform for screening of blood plasma samples Altered lipid plasma concentrations may reflect metabolic reprogramming related to disease progression. Hence, there is a great interest in the application of lipidomics in clinical research. In turn, clinical applications require reliable and high-throughput methods that underwent a complex validation. Lipidomics, which relies strongly on mass spectrometry, guarantees effective characterization of lipid structures with high sensitivity in the framework of commonly applied shotgun lipidomics platforms. The technique exploits a variety of experimental settings offered by the modern mass spectrometry, without time-consuming chromatography. Usually, shotgun lipidomics platforms operate using robotic nanoflow ion sources (e.g. Nanomate device) for sample introduction. However, the beneficial features of the approach involve relatively high costs, and thereby its application in routine clinical analysis remains limited. We propose a simple solution for the fast screening and quantitation of blood plasma lipids in which a regular LC-pump is used for sample introduction into the ion source of a mass spectrometer (flow-injection analysis).