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Cobalt replacement in alkyd-based paints
Autoři: Honzíček Jan | Charamzová Iva | Vinklárek Jaromír
Rok: 2020
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Cobalt replacement in alkyd-based paints This work summarizes recent developments in the field of replacement of cobalt carboxylates in the air-drying paints. The screening of catalytic activity involves a series of transition metal complexes. Standard mechanical tests have been performed on formulations of commercial solvent-borne alkyd resins of medium and long oil-length, on high-solid binders and on modified resins. In case of promising vanadium, manganese and iron based driers, kinetics of the autoxidation process, responsible for the chemical drying, has been investigated by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. The effect of film thickness on the autoxidation process has been investigated by the use of attenuated total reflectance technique. Air-drying paints; vanadium; manganese; iron; primary drier