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Binding possibilities of calcium, zinc and copper in metaphosphate glasses - a more detailed study
Autoři: Černošek Zdeněk | Brázdová Simona | Holubová Jana
Rok: 2020
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 120264
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vazebné možnosti vápníku, zinku a mědi v metafosfátových sklech-podrobnější studie Byly studovány vazebné možnosti dvouvalentních iontů s rozdílnou orbitální konfigurací a v metafosfátové síti a byl ukázán jejich rozdílný vliv na některé vlastnosti těchto skel. fosfátová skla; Zinek; Vápník; Měď; Ramanova spektroskopie; EPR; P MAS NMR; StepScan DSC
eng Binding possibilities of calcium, zinc and copper in metaphosphate glasses - a more detailed study To study the binding possibilities of Zn2+, Ca2+ and Cu2+ ions in the glassy phosphate network, metaphosphate glasses of xZnO-(50-x)CuO-50P(2)O(5) and yCaO-(50-y)CuO-50P(2)O(5) systems were prepared across the entire composition lines. Using Raman spectroscopy, P-31 MAS NMR, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), it was found that zinc and copper are both four times coordinated and interact with donor oxygens in the same phosphate chain, calcium is six times coordinated and crosslinks phosphate chains significantly increased by this the glass transition temperature. It was further found that all copper-containing glasses are phase separated, which is also clearly reflected, in addition to the P-31 MAS NMR and EPR spectra, in the compositional dependence of the glass transition temperature. The experimental results obtained by all the techniques used are discussed in detail. Phosphate glasses; Zinc; Calcium; Copper; Raman spectroscopy; EPR; P-31 MAS NMR; StepScan DSC