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High Electronically Conductive Tungsten Phosphate Glass-Ceramics
Autoři: Renka Sanja | Klaser Teodoro | Burazer Sanja | Mošner Petr | Kalenda Petr | Šantic Ana | Moguš-Milankovic Andrea
Rok: 2020
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Nanomaterials
Strana od-do: "2515-1"-2515-13"
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Wolframáto-fosfátová sklokeramika s vysokou elektronovou vodivostí Wolframáto-fosfátová sklokeramika s vysokou elektronovou vodivostí byla připravena kontrolovanou krystalizací mateřského skla o složení 60WO3-40P2O5 při teplotách 700-935 oC po dobu 1-24 hodin. Významný nárůst elektronové vodivosti souvisí se vznikem krystalických fází W2O3(PO4)2 a WO3, jejichž vzájemný poměr se mění v závislosti na teplotě a době temperace mateřského skla. wolframáto-fosfátová sklokeramika; krystalizace; elektronová vodivost; W2O3(PO4)2; WO3
eng High Electronically Conductive Tungsten Phosphate Glass-Ceramics High electronically conductive tungsten phosphate glass-ceramics have been prepared by the controlled crystallization of binary 60WO3–40P2O5 glass in the temperature range from 700 to 935 C and for 1 to 24 h. The substantial increase in the conductivity for four orders of magnitudeis a result of the formation of electronically conductive W2O3(PO4)2 and WO3 phases. At low crystallization temperature the dominantW2O3(PO4)2 phase is created, whereas at 935 C for 24 h theformation of semiconducting WO3 crystallites of an average size of 80 nm enhances the conductivity to the highest value of 1.64 E10-4 (Ohm.cm)–1 at 30 C. The course of the crystallization and its impact on this exceptionally high electronic transport of binary tungsten phosphate glass-ceramics has been discussed in detail. Since such highly electronically conductive WO3-based glass-ceramics have a great potential as cathode/anode materials in solid state batteries and as electrocatalysts in fuel cells, it is of interest to provide a novel insight into the improvement of their electrical properties. binary tungsten phosphate glass-ceramics; crystallization; electronic transport; W2O3(PO4)2 phase; semiconducting WO3 phase