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Přihlášení pro zaměstnance

Publikace detail

Autoři: Kroupa Jan | Cakl Jiří | Doleček Petr
Rok: 2020
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng ELECTRODIALYSIS WITH BIPOLAR MEMBRANE: DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS AND STATISTICAL MULTIFACTORIAL ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA Electrodialysis with bipolar membrane (EDBM) is the process that allows the recovery of acid and base from corresponding salt. Produced acid and base can be reused as the source of waste salt technology; thus, it is possible to decrease the OPEX and also the environmental impact of many industrial technologies. The effects of current density and product concentration (acid and hydroxide) on the purity and quantity of both acid and base produced were studied in the threecompartment configuration of the EDBM stack. To reduce the number of experiments, the methodology of the central composite design was used together with the response surface methodology for modeling and analysis of the most important process effects. Experiments were carried out using laboratory unit P EDR-Z/4x (MemBrain, Czech Republic) operated in the feed and bleed mode. Membranes included cationexchange heterogeneous membrane Ralex CM(H)-PP, anion-exchange heterogeneous membrane Ralex AM(H)-PP (both Mega, Czech Republic), and heterogeneous bipolar membrane Ralex BM 3.1 (MemBrain, Czech Republic). Aqueous sodium sulfate solutions were used as model feeds. The experimental results were modeled by the second-order polynomial equations using response surface methodology. The level of the confidence was set at 95% for all responses and the probability was expressed as p-value at the significance level of 0.05. The regression coefficients were calculated using the least square method. Still, due to certain variations in both the predicted response and the coefficients estimates, the ANOVA tests of analysis of variance were made to show that the hypothesis was valid. The final model was taken as satisfactory when the regression was significant and the lack of fit was insignificant for the confidence interval tested. It can be concluded that the concentration of both products, i.e., acid and hydroxide, plays an important role for purity as well as the time necessary to reach the steadystate in the systems Electrodialysis; Bipolar membranes; Acid and Base Recovery