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Cyclic Selenides for Deposition of MoSe2 Flakes
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Cyclic Selenides for Deposition of MoSe2 Flakes The remarkable use of nanolayers of transition metal selenides is becoming more and more popular in electronic devices, light-activated chemical catalysis and thin-film solar cells with improved efficiency. In order to create these unique thin layers of selenides, atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique became more and more popular. This technique has an exceptional ability to prepare the required layers with minimum of defects on variously shaped surfaces including intricate nanotubes and nanoparticles. However, a currently narrow portfolio of volatile organoselenium compounds hampers wider use of ALD for deposition of selenides. Hence, we have recently enriched the number of Se-derivatives by four-, five- and six-membered cyclic silylselenides. Their cyclic structure was tailored to improve the overall ratio between stability and reactivity, which are crucial parameters for ALD. The number of selenium atoms in the molecule and the length or branching of the alkyl chain give these compounds their specific properties. The synthetic strategy as well as their thorough characterization will be thoroughly discussed. Further, resistance towards air and moisture as well as deposition of MoSe2 thin films will be also disclosed. selenides;ALD; nanolayers