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The first study of triazole fungicide triticonazole oxidation and its voltammetric determination on boron doped diamond electrode
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 3rd Cross-Border Seminar on Electroanalytical Chemistry (CBSEC) : book of abstracts
Název nakladatele: Česká společnost chemická
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do: 56-56
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng The first study of triazole fungicide triticonazole oxidation and its voltammetric determination on boron doped diamond electrode Triticonazole (TTC) is a triazole fungicide used in the treatment of cereals seeds. It controls the most common diseases and provides a protective effect from seed to the final stage of grain growth [1]. Due to the effective and widespread use of TTC in agrochemistry, sensitive methods for its monitoring are required. Based on the literature survey, chromatographic methods for its determination are described, but the high cost and complexity of design represent the main disadvantage to use this method in common practise [2,3]. Because TTC is an electrochemically active substance, voltammetry may be a suitable alternative for its determination, which is much cheaper, simpler and less time consuming. To date, there are no data in the literature focused on TTC oxidation or on its voltammetric determination. The aim of this work was to study the electrochemical behavior of TTC and to develop a voltammetric method for its determination using boron doped diamond electrode (BDDE). The mechanism of oxidation of the studied insecticide was investigated. Within the exdperiments, the optimal pH of supporting electrolyte as well as paremeters of differential pulse volammetry and square wave voltammetry were proposed. The attention was paid also to the pretreatment of BDD surface. The analysis of the model solution and pharmaceutical preparation confirmed that the developed method allows to obtain correct and well repeatable results. This was also confirmed by comparison with the results of chromatographic analysis. The proposed method was also succesfully transferred to screen printed (SPE) BDDEs.