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Influence of lanthanum oxide nanoparticles on the useful properties of a waterborne coating binder based on self-crosslinking acrylate latex
Autoři: Steinerová Denisa | Kalendová Andréa | Machotová Jana
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - konference, koncert
Název nakladatele: Slovenská chemická spoločnosť a Česká společnost chemická
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Influence of lanthanum oxide nanoparticles on the useful properties of a waterborne coating binder based on self-crosslinking acrylate latex This paper deals with the simple preparation of an environmentally friendly binder for sanitary interior applications, namely polymeric acrylate dispersions (latex) containing La2O3 nanoparticles as functional components to achieve antimicrobial properties, but also to improve physical and mechanical properties and chemical resistance. The incorporation of uncoated powdered nanoparticles was performed during the synthesis by a two-step emulsion polymerization technique to obtain latexes containing 0.5–1.3% La2O3 nanoparticles relative to the monomers. The properties of this new latex binder were compared with the properties of a reference system (without nanoparticles) synthesized by the same route. The results revealed that the new latexes containing lanthanum nanoparticles provided coating films with increased resistance to solvents and water bleaching, which at the same time have significant antimicrobial activity against all tested bacterial and fungal strains. The results of all tests provided evidence of the superiority of polymer dispersions with lanthanum nanoparticles over the reference system (without nanoparticles), while the useful properties increased with increasing concentration of La2O3 nanoparticles. Water-based paint; self-crosslinking acrylate latex; nanoparticle La2O3; antimicrobial coating