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Direct access to substituted diiminoisoindoles
Autoři: Čiefová Stanislava | Švec Petr | Růžička Aleš
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Direct access to substituted diiminoisoindoles Isoindole and its derivatives form an important group of biologically active heterocyclic compounds with a diverse pharmacological profile.1 They are also essential building blocks for many pigments. The occurrence of isoindole derivatives, specifically diiminoisoindoles, is most common in the form of macrocyclic compounds.1 The preparation of substituted acyclic diiminoisoindoles is often time consuming, requires catalysis and achieves low yields.2 Therefore, the aim of this work is to prepare and characterize selected substituted diiminoisoindoles in an easier way and to further investigate their reactivity. Targeted diiminoisoindoles were prepared by reaction of a substituted lithium amide with dicyanobenzene at low temperature in the form of lithium complexes (1).This process allows to obtain symmetrically but also asymmetrically substituted diiminoisoindoles easily and in a good yield. Diiminoisoindoles (3), prepared by hydrolysis, are also very promising. Their structure and their reactivity with, for example, carbodiimides (2) or acyl halides are investigated. The reactions products are characterized by NMR spectroscopy and some also by X-ray analysis. Monoanionic; guanidinates; versatile; ligands; for; main; group; element; complexes