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Synthesis and optical properties of N -> Ga coordinated gallium boroxines
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Dalton Transactions
Název nakladatele: Royal Society of Chemistry
Místo vydání: Cambridge
Strana od-do: 18164-18172
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Syntéza a optické vlastnosti N -> Ga koordinovaných galliumboroxínů Reakce N,C,N-chelatovaného organogalltého amidu LGa(NEt2)(2) (1) s organoboronovými kyselinami RB(OH)(2) poskytla galliumboroxíny LGa(O3B2R2) (2: R = OH, 3: R = Ph, 4: R = 4-MeO-C6H4, 5: R = 4-CHO-C6H4, 6: R = Fc). kovalentní poloměry vazeb; uv; vodivost; al; hybrid
eng Synthesis and optical properties of N -> Ga coordinated gallium boroxines Reactions of the N,C,N-chelated organogallium amide LGa(NEt2)(2) (1), where L is {2,6-(Me2NCH2)(2)C6H3}(-), with organoboronic acids RB(OH)(2) yielded molecular gallium boroxines LGa(O3B2R2) (2: R = OH, 3: R = Ph, 4: R = 4-MeO-C6H4, 5: R = 4-CHO-C6H4, 6: R = Fc), neutral analogues of gallaborates. The molecular structures revealed the presence of a six-membered central GaB2O3 ring. The film forming properties of 5 allowed the deposition of transparent thin films by a spin coating method. The thicknesses, refractive index, energy of the optical gap (E-g(opt)), activation energy of surface electrical conductivity (E-a(s)) and pre-exponential factor (sigma(0)) of the thin layers of 5 were measured and they are close to those found for related oxygen glass. Finally, GBO 5 was also used as an additive to printing ink and a thin film of 5 was prepared by the gravure printing technique. bond covalent radii; uv; conductivity; series; al; hybrid