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Towards roll-to-roll printed batteries based on organic electrodes for printed electronics applications
Autoři: Syrový Tomáš | Kazda Tomáš | Akrman Jiří | Syrová Lucie
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Energy Storage
Název nakladatele: ELSEVIER
Místo vydání: AMSTERDAM
Strana od-do: 102680
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze R2R tištěný akumulátor na bázi organických elektrod pro tištěnou elektroniku Článek je zaměřen na výzkum organické elektrody na bázi poly(1,5-antrachinonyl sulfidu), kterou lze použít v li-ion, či Na-ion akumulátorech, jako katodu, ale i jako anodu. V rámci práce je i demonstrováno užití v rámci R2R tištěného lithiového akumulátoru s anorganickou katodou na bázi LMO. Li-ion; Na-ion; R2R tisk; organická elektroda; tištěná elektronika; Poly(1,5-antrachinonyl sulfid)
eng Towards roll-to-roll printed batteries based on organic electrodes for printed electronics applications There is a growing interest in smart packaging applications and small IoT devices realized as printed electronic devices. Because of their electrical nature, these printed devices require small rechargeable energy sources for their repeatable functionality. For these reasons, the printing of rechargeable batteries alongside the main printed electronics features is welcome, especially if it is realized by the roll-to-roll (R2R) process. A reliable R2R printing process is an advantage and it is a solution overcoming technology difficulties related with the conventional approach of bonding pouch cells to these devices. R2R printing process allows battery manufacturing in the same printing line, at the same substrate, with proper shape and required capacity. Because most of the printed electronic devices are manufactured by R2R printing processes we present a study that is focused on the development of electrode materials towards fully R2R printed secondary batteries based on easily accessible materials and printed by robust and scalable technology. We demonstrate a fully R2R printed secondary battery with open-circuit voltage (OCV) higher than 2.0 V where an organic-based anode and a cathode without Co and Ni are used. The R2R printed secondary battery could be assembled at ambient conditions, which is important for the development of a cheap industrial R2R manufacturing process without inert atmosphere requirements. The R2R printed battery assembled at ambient conditions provides 100 cycles with a capacity of over 50 mAh/g. In the presented study, it was demonstrated that printed PAQS electrodes could be used also in the Na-ion batteries with a capacity of over 120 mAh/g. Li-ion; Na-ion; R2R printing; Organic electrode; Printed electronics; Poly(1,5-anthraquinonyl sulfide)