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Flow injection analysis tandem mass spectrometry for determination of selected classes of sphingolipids in plasma of patients with colorectal carcinoma
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Flow injection analysis tandem mass spectrometry for determination of selected classes of sphingolipids in plasma of patients with colorectal carcinoma Imaging techniques followed by the subsequent biopsy are widely used for tumor detection. Although these procedures are relatively reliable, they require invasive surgery, and early-stage tumors may still go unnoticed. Non-invasive laboratory tests from blood plasma usually show less reliability than imaging techniques, and there is a lack of specific biomarkers for many cancer types. Therefore, the development of screening methods for the non-invasive and early detection of different types of cancer is essential. In this context, we focused on sphingolipids analysis in the case of colorectal cancer. Sphingolipids play an important role in the death and survival of cancer cells and have recently attracted attention because their levels are usually altered in the biofluids and tissues of cancer patients compared to healthy volunteers. Modified Folch protocol was used for plasma samples extraction. The Agilent LC system consisting of 1260 Infinity binary pump and autosampler, and 1290 Infinity capillary pump was applied for direct infusion of 50 µl of a sample at 3.5 µl/min flow into the source of QTRAP mass spectrometer (Sciex). The running phase was chloroform/methanol/2-propanol (1:2:4, v/v/v) mixture. Ceramides, hexosyl-, and dihexosylceramides were quantified based on the precursor ion scan 264.3, and sphingomyelins 184.1, respectively. The obtained data were processed with LipidView and LipidQuant softwares. We have optimized and validated the flow injection analysis (FIA) - tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) -based method to analyze selected sphingolipids, including sphingomyelins and low abundant lipids, such as ceramides, hexosylceramides, and dihexosylceramides, in human plasma samples. The method was used to quantify the sphingolipids in the standard reference material NIST SRM 1950 and to measure a small cohort of plasma samples collected from colorectal cancer patients and healthy volunteers. The quantitation was performed using precursor ion mass scans (PI Mass spectrometry; sphingolipids; plasma; colorectal carcinoma; flow injection analysis