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Development of innovative polymer dispersions with monomers from renewable sources as modifying additives for specific applications in the construction industry
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Development of innovative polymer dispersions with monomers from renewable sources as modifying additives for specific applications in the construction industry : In recent years, a growing concern for the preservation of the environment is evoking new research, focused on alternative methods for sustainable economic development. Using monomers from vegetable oils is not only connected to environmental problems, but also to the properties of the final materials. Acrylated methyl oleate (AMO) was synthesized from acrylic acid and epoxidized methyl oleate obtained from rapeseed oil. Several ways of approaching the desired product were investigated. The semi-continuous emulsion polymerization process was used to prepare three latexes based on copolymerized AMO and commercial acrylic monomers. A synthesis of AMO was successfully optimized for higher amounts of starting compounds. Composites consisting of latexes and Portland cement mortar were produced and their mechanical properties were tested. emulsion polymerization; water-based acrylic latexes; acrylated methyl oleate,;Portland cement.