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Indirect Galvanostatic Destruction of Selected Organic Substances from Industrial Waters on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode, 18th International Conference on Electroanalysis
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Indirect Galvanostatic Destruction of Selected Organic Substances from Industrial Waters on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode, 18th International Conference on Electroanalysis The use of electrolysis in various areas of the economy has been widely known since the 19th century. Specific forms of applications of general and special theoreticalexperimental knowledge of electrochemistry were usually dependent on the field and objectives of the application. For example, in the field of electroanalysis, more emphasis was placed on efficiency approaching 100%, on selectivity, etc., while in the field of electrotechnology, criteria such as cost, production volume, various time limits of individual operations, etc. were always more important. Mostly empirical research, almost until the middle of the 20th century, was followed by theoretical and experimental research, such as [1,2], which has lasted until now. The situation was similar with indirect galvanostatic methods, where active substances (agents) were generated by galvanostatic electrolysis, which then caused the desired effects. Examples were the use of iodometry with I2 generation from iodides or water electrodisinfection with Cl2 from chlorides [3], using direct current, simple "square wave" pulses [2], etc. Based on these principles a number of substances and some reagents (such as peroxosulphates) are generated and also produced using these methods. However, current needs and requirements, especially in the field of environment and water treatment, desire much more sophisticated and comprehensive research of present processes, actions and materials than before, especially due to the often incomparably higher diversity of substances present, their chemical and electrochemical resistance, toxicity and other undesirable aspects, demanding technological, economic and time requirements as well as large processed volumes of e.g. industrial waters. This also requires the solution of suitable and new modes of applied processes, suitable electrolytic arrangements, electrode materials such as boron doped diamond BDD [4], sophisticated DC, alternating, pulse and other [5] modes, etc.