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Energy and other aspects in monitoring galvanostatic and other technologies, e.g. zinc separation in viscose production
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Energy and other aspects in monitoring galvanostatic and other technologies, e.g. zinc separation in viscose production Electrochemistry is one of the fields with a broad theoretical and experimental background Its continual development is based on the detection and research of many phenomena, contexts and processes These form a common basis of various electrochemical disciplines electroanalysis electroseparation etc that has been scientifically studied, especially since the 20 s 30 s of the last century (e g 1 Which processes and actions play a dominant role in a given case and which do not, depends mainly on the experimental conditions, electrode materials, etc For technological electroseparations such as galvanostatic deposition of metals from operating waters, in our case special attention is paid to pH effects, concentrations, current densities, materials, conductivities of solutions, possible additives, etc The ever increasing requirements of practice in terms of water protection, environment and health, as well as efficiency and effectiveness need further special research. Recently, there has been great interest in, for example, solving energy consumption, availability, recycling of water and dissolved raw materials There is also a growing need to monitor and evaluate the accuracy of either electroseparation or other technologies using new knowledge, such as new sophisticated and other uses of non pulsed and pulsed modes 2 analysis of ongoing electrochemical mechanisms 3 input or controlled currents or voltages possibly their gradients ( ohmic and others), etc Guides also provide relations 4 such as equations for the flow of substances and charges, charge transfer, or potential redox characteristics and more In the present case, these approaches are presented on examples of galvanostatic separation of zinc (and possibly other organic residues) from operating waters in the production of viscose (including the operating parameters used 5 6 in connection with the energy consumed) Other possibilities of monitoring separation technologies (incl nanofiltration 7 and others