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The Effect of the Nanoscale Intimacy of Platinum and Acid Centres on the Hydroisomerization of Short-chain Alkanes
Autoři: Morávková Jaroslava | Pilař Radim | Bortnovsky Oleg | Kaucký Dalibor | Vondrová Alena | Rathouský Jiri | Sádovská Galina | Sazama Petr
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Applied catalysis A: General
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 118535
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vliv nanoměřítkové intimity platiny a kyselých center na hydroizomeraci alkanů s krátkým řetězcem Tato práce analyzuje vliv nanorozměrové intimity platiny a Bronstedových kyselých míst na hydroizomerizaci n-pentanu a n-hexanu s využitím řady zeolitických katalyzátorů s platinou umístěnou uvnitř nebo vně zeolitové struktury. hydroisomerizace; hydrokrakování; beta zeolit; platina; hexan; pentan
eng The Effect of the Nanoscale Intimacy of Platinum and Acid Centres on the Hydroisomerization of Short-chain Alkanes This study analyses the effect of the nanoscale intimacy of Pt metal and Bronsted acid sites on the hydroisomerization of n-pentane and n-hexane using a series of zeolite/binder composite catalysts with Pt located outside or inside of the zeolite crystal and with Pt dispersed in the zeolite crystal and its vicinity on the binder. Analysis of the conversions of n-pentane and n-hexane to branched isomers and C-n <= 4 byproducts under the relevant conditions of the process showed that the highest activity is obtained for catalysts with high proximity of acid and Pt sites dispersed in the zeolite crystal together with Pt on the binder surrounding the zeolite crystals. Such an arrangement allows the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of alkanes in close proximity to the Bronsted sites, allowing the full functionality of acid sites and limiting the diffusion of intermediate alkenes between Pt sites. hydroisomerization; hydrocracking; beta zeolite (*BEA); bifunctional catalysis; platinum; hexane; pentane