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Cobalt-free promoters for unsaturated polyester coatings
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Cobalt-free promoters for unsaturated polyester coatings Unsaturated polyester resins have a wide application in coatings or as composites. The transformation from the liquid structure into the rigid one is due to the curing process. In general, the process is a free radical polymerization initiated by organic peroxides and accelerated by a curing agent also called promoter [1]. Investigating the catalytic activity of different promoters is very important, because of the increasing pressure to find an alternative for the promoters based on cobalt. This situation is due to the potential carcinogenicity of cobalt. The European Union proposed restrictions for certain cobalt salt compounds under REACH as a 1B carcinogen [2]. In our study, we focused on potential promoters based on iron and vanadium in commercial and synthesized forms. Catalytic activity was tested in a commercial polyester/styrene/methyl ethyl ketone peroxide system. Evaluation of gel time and exothermic behavior served to monitor the cross-linking process. After confirming the catalytic activity, coatings were prepared and tested by standard mechanical tests. All tested promoters proved to be capable of catalyzing the curing process of unsaturated polyester resin. Unsaturated polyester resin; promoter; curing process; cobalt-free