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Autoři: Michalcová Lucie | Majtnerová Pavlína | Pryszcz Leszek | Heidingsfeld Olga
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng EFFECT OF FLUCONAZOLE ON MIXED CULTURES OF PATHOGENIC YEASTS CANDIDA ALBICANS AND CANDIDA GUILLIERMONDII Pathogenic yeasts of the genus Candida pose a threat to immunocompromised individuals. In healthy people, these yeasts can be part of the normal microflora, but weakening the body can lead to endogenous or exogenous infection. Infections caused by the yeast C. albicans are more common but can be better treated with common antifungals. In contrast, infections caused by C. guilliermondii do not commonly occur, but if this infection occurs, it is difficult to eliminate with a common antifungal agent, such as fluconazole. This is because it is less sensitive to this antifungal. Mixed cultures of C. albicans and C. guilliermondii are rarely mentioned in the literature. This can be caused not only by their rare occurrence, but also by difficult diagnostics and difficult distinction of individual species in the microbial community. For this purpose, we designed species-specific primers that helped us to distinguish the yeast from each other by quantitative PCR (qPCR). We used the method for the determination of C. albicans and C. guilliermondii in mixed samples for the analysis of artificial evolution of their cocultures. We passaged these cocultures for 12 rounds under defined conditions, either alone or in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of the antifungal fluconazole. After this passage, we quantified both yeasts by qPCR with species-specific primers. We found that the individual yeasts were not evenly represented in the resulting samples. C. albicans predominated in cultures that did not contain fluconazole. In contrast, C. guilliermondii predominated in fluconazole samples. These results indicate a lower sensitivity of C. guilliermondii to fluconazole compared to C. albicans. EFFECT; FLUCONAZOLE; MIXED; CULTURES; PATHOGENIC; YEASTS; ALBICANS; AND; CANDIDA; GUILLIERMONDII