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Voltammetric determination of triazole pesticide triticonazole using screen-printed sensors with boron-doped diamond electrode.
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Voltammetric determination of triazole pesticide triticonazole using screen-printed sensors with boron-doped diamond electrode. In this work, the oxidative behavior of the triazole fungicide triticonazole was studied for the first time using BDDE and a method for its determination was developed. We applied BDDE in classical arrangement of the electrochemical cell and two types of SPEs with chemically deposited BDDE (commercially available (SP/BDDE) and newly prepared lab-made (LM-SP/BDDE)). The optimal pH of supporting electrolyte as well as paremeters of differential pulse and square wave voltammetry were proposed. The attention was paid also to the pretreatment of BDDE surface. The proposed method was applied in the analysis of the model solution and the commercial pesticide formulation using both BDDE and SP/BDDEs. It was confirmed, that all tested sensors allows to obtain correct and well repeatable results. For the future applicability of the new printed sensors in practice, their stability as well as intra- and inter-electrode repeatability are very important and were also verified in this work. Boron doped diamond electrode; Triazole pesticide; Triticonazole; Voltammetry; Electroanalysis.