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Possibilities of Hydrodebromination of Brominated Aromatic Compounds using Cu-Based Catalysts
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Chemical Technology
Název nakladatele: Česká společnost průmyslové chemie
Místo vydání: Praha
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Possibilities of Hydrodebromination of Brominated Aromatic Compounds using Cu-Based Catalysts Polybrominated aromatic compounds are widely used as pesticides, flame retardants and as a part of chemical structures of other organic fine chemicals. Due to their high chemical resistance, they are common nonbiodegradable aqueous contaminants. One of the available method applicable for simple degradation of these mentioned polybrominated aromatic compounds is based on hydrodebromination reaction. The hydrodebromination represents robust technique for conversion of polybrominated contaminants to nonbrominated ones, which are biodegradable in environment. Our research was focused on the effect of different sources of copper-based hydrodebromination catalysts on the reduction of two industrially important chemicals such as herbicide Bromoxynil and brominated flame retardant Tetrabromobisphenol A. polybrominated aromatic compounds, bromoxynil, tetrabromobisphenol A, hydrodebromination, copper, devardas alloy