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Sodium-Ion Conductivity and Humidity-Sensing Properties of Na2O-MoO3-P2O5 Glass-Ceramics
Autoři: Foucaud Mallaurie | Renka Sanja | Klaser Teodoro | Popovic Jasminka | Skoko Zeljko | Mošner Petr | Koudelka Ladislav | Santic Ana
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Nanomaterials
Název nakladatele: MDPI
Místo vydání: BASEL
Strana od-do: 240
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Iontová vodivost sodíku a sensorové vlastnosti vůči vlhkosti sklokeramiky  Na2O-MoO3-P2O5 Byla připravena řada skel a sklokeramiky temperováním skla 40Na(2)O-30MoO(3)-30P(2)O(5) (mol%) při teplotách od 380 (T-g) do 490 °C (T-c) po dobu 1-24 hodin. Připravená sklokeramika obsahuje od 2 do 25 vahových % of krystalické sloučeniny NaMoO2PO4. Iontová vodivost sodných iontů v těchto materiálech klesá až o jeden řád s růstem stupně krystaličnosti. Transport of sodných iontů v těchto materiálech jde převážně skelnou fází. Nicméně připravená sklokeramika vykazuje vysokou protonovou vodivost ve vlhké atmosféře, takže tyto materiály se jeví jako slibné pro sensory vlhkosti. sodná molybdáto-fosforečná sklokeramika; krystalizace; iontová vodivost; senzor vlhkosti
eng Sodium-Ion Conductivity and Humidity-Sensing Properties of Na2O-MoO3-P2O5 Glass-Ceramics A series of glass-ceramics were prepared by heat-treatments of 40Na(2)O-30MoO(3)-30P(2)O(5) (in mol%) glass in a temperature range from 380 (T-g) to 490 degrees C (T-c) and for 1-24 h. The prepared glass-ceramics contain from 2 to 25 wt.% of crystalline NaMoO2PO4. The sodium-ion conductivity in these materials decreases up to one order of magnitude with an increase in the degree of crystallization due to the immobilization of sodium ions in crystalline NaMoO2PO4. The transport of sodium ions in these materials occurs primarily through the dominant continuous glassy phase, and it is weakly affected by the sporadically distributed crystalline grains. However, the prepared glass-ceramics exhibit high proton conductivity in a humid atmosphere and remarkable humidity-sensing properties; this could be related to crystalline NaMoO2PO4, which provides sites for water adsorption. The glass-ceramic prepared at 450 degrees C for 24 h shows the best humidity-sensing performance among all samples, showing an increase in proton conductivity for more than seven orders of magnitude with the increase in relative humidity from 0% to 95%. Under a highly humid atmosphere (95% relative humidity and 25 degrees C), the proton conductivity of this glass-ceramic reaches 5.2 x 10(-3) (ohm cm)(-1). Moreover, the electrical response of these materials on the change in the relative humidity is linear and reversible in the entire range of the relative humidity, which indicates that they are novel promising candidates for application as humidity sensors. sodium molybdenum phosphate glass-ceramics; crystallization; ionic conductivity; humidity sensors