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Synthesis and fluorescent properties of symmetrical bis(diphenylamino)-oligophenylenevinylenes.
Autoři: Teichmanová Kateřina | Imramovský Aleš | Pauk Karel | Vala Martin | Luňák Stanislav
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Synthesis and fluorescent properties of symmetrical bis(diphenylamino)-oligophenylenevinylenes. A series of conjugated triphenylamine-based oligophenylenvinylenes was synthesized and studied for their high fluorescence in solution as well as in solid phase. Desired molecules were prepared succesfully via Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons reaction of the appropriate phosphonate with the aromatic aldehydes, using tBuOK as a base. In each condensation only the thermodynamically favoured trans alkene was formed. The optical behaviour was studied in solid state and in various organic solvents by UV/Vis and emission spectroscopy. The excellent thermal stability was confirmed by using differential scanning calorimetry. In conclusion, all prepared compounds promise to be attractive topic for further investigation and application in field of optoeletronic devices. symmetrical bisdiphenylamino-oligophenylenevinylenes; fluorescent