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Metabolic and Oxidative Changes in the Fern Adiantum raddianum upon Foliar Application of Metals
Autoři: Kováčik Jozef | Husáková Lenka | Babula Petr | Matušíková Ildikó
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Strana od-do: 14736
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Metabolické a oxidační změny v kapradině Adiantum raddianum po aplikaci kovů Studie byla věnována identifikaci specifických změn v kapradinách Adiantum raddianum s ohledem na akumulaci kovů a biochemické změny, po dlouhodobé exogenní expozici nízkými koncentracemi Cd a Ni. antioxidační látky; těžké kovy; reaktivní formy kyslíku; znečištění půd
eng Metabolic and Oxidative Changes in the Fern Adiantum raddianum upon Foliar Application of Metals Cadmium (Cd) or nickel (Ni) were applied as a foliar spray (1 µM solution over one month) to mimic air pollution and to monitor metabolic responses and oxidative stress in the pteridophyte species. Exogenous metals did not affect the metal content of the soil and had relatively little effect on the essential elements in leaves or rhizomes. The amounts of Cd and Ni were similar in treated leaves (7.2 µg Cd or 5.3 µg Ni/g DW in mature leaves compared with 0.4 µg Cd or 1.2 µg Ni/g DW in the respective control leaves), but Ni was more abundant in rhizomes (56.6 µg Ni or 3.4 µg Cd/g DW), resulting in a higher Cd translocation and bioaccumulation factor. The theoretical calculation revealed that ca. 4% of Cd and 5.5% of Ni from the applied solution per plant/pot was absorbed. Excess Cd induced stronger ROS production followed by changes in SOD and CAT activities, whereas nitric oxide (NO) stimulation was less intense, as detected by confocal microscopy. The hadrocentric vascular bundles in the petioles also showed higher ROS and NO signals under metal excess. This may be a sign of increased ROS formation, and high correlations were observed. Proteins and amino acids were stimulated by Cd or Ni application in individual organs, whereas phenols and flavonols were almost unaffected. The data suggest that even low levels of exogenous metals induce an oxidative imbalance, although no visible damage is observed, and that the responses of ferns to metals are similar to those of seed plants or algae. antioxidant molecules; heavy metals; reactive oxygen species; soil pollution