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Thermal Studies on Performance of DATB and TATB Coagglomerated Crystals
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: HEMCE 2022 Proceedings
Název nakladatele: High Energy Materials Society of India
Místo vydání: Chandrigarh
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Thermal Studies on Performance of DATB and TATB Coagglomerated Crystals In order to increase the mechanical sensitivity of attractive nitramines HMX, BCHMX, CL20 and RDX, coagglomeration was carried out with thermally stable nitramines DATB and TATB. The obtained interesting coagglomerated crystals (CACs) with varied mechanical and detonation parameters. Further, thermal analysis was carried out to detail understanding thermal behavior employing differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. It also helps to understand the thermal behaviour of pure nitramines and, after coagglomeration interaction with DATB and TATB, the influence of these additives on its thermal properties. This thermal analysis revealed the thermal properties like melting and decomposition temperatures of nitramines (± 20 ˚C) as their pure forms. The CACs have shown relatively the same thermal stability as their coformer nitramines. The activation energy of pure nitramines is shown drift(±50-100 KJ/mol) after coagglomeration with DATB and TATB. These all obtained results compared with the detonation parameters and Raman asymmetric stretching(-N-O) vibrations showed interesting thermochemical correlations. Coagglomeration; Impact sensitivity; Nitramines; Activation energy; Detonation