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Probing the reactivity of univalent pnictogen compounds. From C-C bond activation toward unprecedented heterocycles
Autoři: Dostál Libor | Zechovský Jan | Hejda Martin
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Probing the reactivity of univalent pnictogen compounds. From C-C bond activation toward unprecedented heterocycles The activation of various molecules by so-called ligand-metal cooperation1 found widespread application in the field of catalysis using transition metals. This concept has been recently extended applied in the field of p-block elements as well.2 We are continuously investigating the reactivity of pincer stabilized pnictinidenes3 and have discovered their potential to serve as latent heterodienes and(or) aromatic azapnictoles. These compounds are able to activate various chemical bonds including C-C multiple bonds resembling classical Diels-Alder reaction protocol.4 These reactions not only provide unique heterocycles that contain heavy group 15 elements, but hold also potential for further applications in catalysis. The latest achievements in this regard will be presented and discussed.