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Scalable MXene and PEDOT-CNT Nanocoatings for Fibre-Reinforced Composite De-Icing
Autoři: Monastyreckis Gediminas | Siles Juan Tortosa | Knotek Petr | Omastova Maria | Aniskevich Andrey | Zeleniakiene Daiva
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Materials
Název nakladatele: MDPI
Místo vydání: BASEL
Strana od-do: 3535
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nanopovlaky na bázi MXenů a PEDOT-CNT pro odmražování kompozitů V práci byl prokázán pozitivní přínos přídavku MXenů a modifikovaných CNT do nanopovlaků pro odmrazování rozměrných kompozitů. nanopovlaky; termální zobrazování; odmrazování; vlákny vyztužené kompozity; MXenes; PEDOT-CNT
eng Scalable MXene and PEDOT-CNT Nanocoatings for Fibre-Reinforced Composite De-Icing In this study, the de-icing performance is investigated between traditional carbon fibre-based coatings and novel MXene and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-coated single-walled carbon nanotube (PEDOT-CNT) nanocoatings, based on simple and scalable coating application. The thickness and morphology of the coatings are investigated using atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Adhesion strength, as well as electrical properties, are evaluated on rough and glossy surfaces of the composite. The flexibility and electrical sensitivity of the coatings are studied under three-point bending. Additionally, the influence of ambient temperature on coating's electrical resistance is investigated. Finally, thermal imaging and Joule heating are analysed with high-accuracy infrared cameras. Under the same power density, the increase in average temperature is 84% higher for MXenes and 117% for PEDOT-CNT, when compared with fibre-based coatings. Furthermore, both nanocoatings result in up to three times faster de-icing. These easily processable nanocoatings offer fast and efficient de-icing for large composite structures such as wind turbine blades without adding any significant weight. nanocoatings; thermal imaging; de-icing; fibre-reinforced composites; MXenes; PEDOT-CNT