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Isoindoles as variable ligands for coordination and organometallic chemistry
Autoři: Čiefová Stanislava | Švec Petr | Růžička Aleš
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Isoindoles as variable ligands for coordination and organometallic chemistry Isoindole and its derivatives form an important group of biologically active heterocyclic compounds with a diverse pharmacological profile. They are also essential building blocks for many pigments.1 Series of isoindole-based ligands were prepared with goal to investigate structure, properties and potential of these systems in coordination and organometallic chemistry. Variating substituents on the backbone of diiminoisoindole allowed to prepare vide range of ligands with diverse properties (Fig. 1). Potential in coordination chemistry was examined trough reactions with alkali and alkaline earth group metals and also organozinc(II) and organoaluminium(III) compounds. Guanidinate-substituted diiminoisoindoles showed higher stability in form of bidentate ligands (Fig. 1 C), forming thus diazametallacyclohexane rings, while acyl halide substituted ligands have used a carbonyl group for coordination and were able to form stable heteroleptic complexes (Fig. 1 B). Interesting reactivity and binding modes show the rich chemistry of diminoisoindoles, as well as their potential application in coordination or organometallic chemistry.