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Preparation of diiminoisoindole based ligands and their potential in coordination and organometallic chemistry
Autoři: Čiefová Stanislava | Švec Petr | Růžička Aleš
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Preparation of diiminoisoindole based ligands and their potential in coordination and organometallic chemistry Isoindole derivatives play an important role in many fields of chemistry. The isoindole fragment can be found in resistant pigments such as phthalocyanines1, pharmaceuticals but also in natural products as a part of alkaloids1. Series of isoindole-based ligands were prepared with goal to investigate potential of these systems also in coordination and organometallic chemistry. Variating substituents on the diiminoisoindole backbone allowed us to prepare a wide range of ligands with diverse properties. Potential in coordination chemistry was examined trough reactions with alkali and alkaline earth metals and also with organocopper, organozinc and organoaluminium compounds. Interesting reactivity was disclosed in cases of diiminoisoindoles substituted by acyl moieties. These ligands possess carbonyl group, which allows them to form six-member metallacycles. Similar triazametallacyclohexane rings are formed also by guanidinate-substituted diiminoisoindoles. In this case, however, the guanidinate nitrogen is involved in the coordination. Interesting reactivity and binding modes show the potentially rich chemistry of diminoisoindole derivatives.