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Valorisation of glycerol to propane-1,2-diol by using heterogeneous catalysts based with copper
Autoři: Kocík Jaroslav | Mück Jáchym | Kolena J | Frolich Karel | Hájek Martin | Skuhrovcová L
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Valorisation of glycerol to propane-1,2-diol by using heterogeneous catalysts based with copper The using of alternative fuels from renewable sources are today supported by decreasing amount of fossil fuels and necessity to be respectful of nature. Some of the supported alternative fuels are for example bioethanol and FAME. FAME is produced by transesterification of vegetable oils and as by product is produce glycerol. With increasing production of FAME, increased the amount of waste glycerol, which lose a price and possibility of use. For this reasons new ways for valorisation of glycerol are looking. One of the good and perspective example of valorisation can be selective dihydroxylation (hydrogenolysis) of glycerol to propane-1,2-diol (propylene glycol) by heterogeneous catalysts contain a copper and other transition metal (Zn, Fe) as promotor. As a raw materials for production of propane-1,2 diol are usually used a propylene, which are produce from crude oil. The substitute of propylene in production of propane-1,2-diol is a promising way of utilization renewables in petrochemical industry. The paper is focused on the used heterogeneous catalysts based on copper with promotor (Zn, Fe) in transformation of glycerol to propane-1,2-diol. The reaction was carried out at autoclave reactor at temperature 230 °C and under the pressure 70 bar of hydrogen. The synthesized catalysts were characterised by various analytic methods (XRD, TGA, H2-TPR, TPD, etc.) for determination of influence of promoter to catalytic activity. It was found that the catalysts contain the copper and promoter achieve the conversion 95% after 6 hours. The catalysts achieved the maximal selectivity 95% to propane-1,2-diol at 65% conversion of glycerol. glycerol; propan-1,2-diol; mixed oxide; copper