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The role of Zn in the Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalyst and its effect on glycerol hydrogenolysis
Autoři: Frolich Karel | Kocík Jaroslav | Mück Jáchym | Kolena Jiří | Skuhrovcová Lenka
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Molecular Catalysis
Strana od-do: "112796-1"-"112796-8"
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Role Zn v Cu-Zn-Al směsných oxidových katalyzátorech a jeho vliv na hydrogenolýzu glycerolu Sada oxidových katalyzátorů na bázi Cu-Zn-Al redukovaných vodíkem byla testována v hydrogenolýze glycerolu v míchaném vsádkovém autoklávu při 230 °C. Katalyzátory byly připraveny srážením hydrotalcitů a kalcinováním při 350 °C. Katalyzátory byly charakterizovány řadou technik: XRD, TPR, TGA, NH3-TPD. 1,2-propandiol; katalýza; Cu povrch; CuZnAl směsné oxidy; glycerol
eng The role of Zn in the Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalyst and its effect on glycerol hydrogenolysis A series of Cu-Zn-Al oxide catalysts reduced in H2 was tested in glycerol hydrogenolysis in a stirred batch autoclave at 230°C. The catalysts were prepared by the precipitation – calcination method from layered double hydroxides (LDH) structures. The oxide forms of the catalysts were obtained by calcination of these structures at programmed temperatures, up to 350°C. The catalysts were characterized by the following methods: X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), thermogravimetric analyses (TGA), N2-physisorption and temperature programmed desorption of ammonia (NH3-TPD). It was found that Zn plays acts as a structure modifier, influencing Cu dispersion and particle size. Consequently, Zn has an impact on the catalyst activity. In particular, the Zn effect had its maximum at the concentration corresponding to a ratio of Zn/(Cu+Al) = 0.35 where conversion of 65% and the selectivity to 1,2-propanediol of 70% was achieved after 60 min of reaction time. 1,2-propanediol; catalysis; Cu surface; CuZnAl mixed oxides; glycerol