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Surface diffusion, viscosity and crystal growth relation in Se-Te glass-formers
Autoři: Martinková Simona | Valdes Mitchell Diego Alejandro | Včeláková Michaela | Barták Jaroslav
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Surface diffusion, viscosity and crystal growth relation in Se-Te glass-formers The extended study on crystal growth in Se-Te bulk glasses, surface of bulk glasses and thin films was performed under isothermal conditions using infrared microscope. Observed differences between volume and fast surface crystal growth showed some similarities to the behavior of organic molecular glasses. Furthermore, the surface mobility was studied by following the smoothing process of a sinusoidal periodic grating embossed onto the surface of bulk glass and thin films. The smoothing was driven by viscosity providing near-surface viscosity data. The data correspond well to the near-surface viscosity obtained by nanoindentation, and to bulk viscosity. These findings show that viscous behavior in bulk glasses and thin films is similar and can be described by the same viscosity model in both, bulk and thin film. surface diffusion; viscosity; crystal growth; glass; Se-Te