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Surface tension in chalcogenide undercooled melts and melts studied by surface structure flattening and drop analysis
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Surface tension in chalcogenide undercooled melts and melts studied by surface structure flattening and drop analysis The prepared contribution shows data on surface tension in amorphous Se-based chalcogenides. The chosen materials are studied in the melt region, close to the melting point, and in the undercooled melt, close to the glass-transition temperature. In the region of melt, the surface tension is calculated using the program OriTas analyzing the profile of a hanging droplet. Near the glass-transition temperature, the surface tension is evaluated from the rate of flattening of a surface profile embossed into the studied material. Combining the data obtained near glass-transition temperature and above the melting point can provide a tool to interpolate surface tension data in the undercooled melt that are important for the description of other processes taking place in the studied glass-forming materials. surface tension; chalcogenide; undercooled melt