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Nanoindentation and nanostructures flattening as a tool to obtain surface tension in chalcogenide glass-forming materials
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Nanoindentation and nanostructures flattening as a tool to obtain surface tension in chalcogenide glass-forming materials The presented contribution focuses on combination of nanoindentation experiments and following of flattening on nanostructures imprinted on a surface of amorphous chalcogenides to evaluate surface tension in undercooled chalcogenide melts. Preparing and following of flattening process of periodical nanostructures on a surface of amorphous materials are important for surface mobility study (near-surface viscosity and surface diffusion). Nevertheless, these studies based on evaluation of rate constant of the flattening process need also knowledge of surface tension of the material. Nevertheless, surface tension of glass-forming materials especially in the region of undercooled melt. In this contribution we will show a combination of nanoindentation measurements providing the near-surface viscosity with measurements of flattening process of periodical nanostructures to evaluate surface tension of the studied materials. nanoindentation; surface tension; undercooled liquid; chalcogenide