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Epoxidation of Methyl Esters as Valuable Biomolecules: Monitoring of Reaction
Rok: 2023
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Molecules
Název nakladatele: MDPI
Místo vydání: BASEL
Strana od-do: "2819-1"-"2819-15"
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Epoxidace methylesterů jako hodnotných biomolekul: Sledování reakce Práce je zaměřena na epoxidaci metylesterů připravených z olejnin s různým profilem vyšších mastných kyselin, zejména nenasycených, které jsou obsaženy především v nejedlém lněném semínku a oleji Camelina sativa (druhá generace). Byl stanoven časový průběh reakce, vzniklé produkty byly separovány a identifikovány. Pro stanovení byly použity tři hlavní metody: infračervená spektroskopie, vysokotlaká kapalinová chromatografie a plynová chromatografie s hmotnostní spektrometrií. roztlinné oleje; epoxidace; estery; HPLC; IČ; GC-MS
eng Epoxidation of Methyl Esters as Valuable Biomolecules: Monitoring of Reaction The paper is focused on the epoxidation of methyl esters prepared from oil crops with various profiles of higher fatty acids, especially unsaturated, which are mainly contained in the non-edible linseed and Camelina sativa oil (second generation). The novelty consists in the separation and identification of all products with oxirane ring formed through a reaction and in the determination of time course. Through the epoxidation, many intermediates and final products were formed, i.e., epoxides with different number and/or different position of oxirane rings in carbon chain. For the determination, three main methods (infrared spectroscopy, high-pressure liquid chromatography and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry) were applied. Only gas chromatography enables the separation of individual epoxides, which were identified on the base of the mass spectra, molecule ion and time course of products. The determination of intermediates enables: (i) control of the epoxidation process, (ii) determination of the mixture of epoxides in detail and so the calculation of selectivity of each product. Therefore, the epoxidation will be more environmentally friendly especially for advanced applications of non-edible oil crops containing high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. vegetable oils; epoxidation; esters; gas chromatography; infrared spectroscopy; liquid chromatography