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Magnesium-copper metaphosphate glasses – A more detailed chemical view
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Strana od-do: 122694
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Skla z metafosforečnanu hořečnatého a měďnatého - detailnější chemický pohled Za účelem studia vazebných možností Mg(II) a Cu(II) a jejich vlivu na chemické složení a vlastnosti metafosfátových skel xCuO-(50-x)MgO-50P2O5 byla tato skla připravena na celé linii složení. Získané experimentální výsledky jsou podrobně diskutovány. Mg; Cu; metafosfátové sklo; Ramanova spektroskopie; EPR; 31P MAS NMR
eng Magnesium-copper metaphosphate glasses – A more detailed chemical view In order to study the binding possibilities of Mg(II) and Cu(II) and their influence on the chemical composition and properties of xCuO-(50-x)MgO-50P2O5 metaphosphate glasses, these glasses were prepared on the entire composition line. Based on the results of X-ray fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance and 31P MAS NMR, a real chemical composition, i.e. a chemical model, was proposed. The proposed chemical model was verified using the results of various experimental methods characterizing the properties of both the volume and the surface of the glasses, e.g. dilatometry, DSC, Raman spectroscopy and tenziometry. The assumption of the influence of the shielding of the charge of the copper core by its d9 valence electrons was also verified. The experimental results obtained by all the techniques used are discussed in detail. Magnesium-copper metaphosphate glasses; Raman spectroscopy; EPR; 31P MAS NMR